
Mindustry Teams

Level up your Mindustry game. Team up weekly to master strategies, dominate PvP, and build epic custom maps together.

Work together to survive waves of relentless robots.
Think like an engineer by deconstructing complex problems into their fundamental building blocks.
Learn the fundamentals of resource management and systems thinking.
Organized by Recess

Hosted by 5 expert guides

Pick a time

Age ranges are just suggestions! You can register for any cohort.

❗Mindustry Teams is the next level in our Strategy and Collaboration Program. This class is for kids with an intermediate to advanced technical understanding of the game.

What you'll do each week

  • Take on the toughest challenges Mindustry has to offer.
  • Climb up the Mindustry Leaderboard
  • Learn PvP tactics and strategies
  • Participate in Recess Mindustry events with dozens of kids
  • Design and share custom maps

Concepts Encountered:

  • Systems Thinking
  • Advanced resource management
  • Team strategy and coordination
  • Map design and creation

Not ready for Mindustry teams?

Check out our other Mindustry courses:

  1. Mindustry Foundation: Learn from the ground up how to play the game and work with others before joining Mindustry Teams.
  2. Squads: For those wanting a less intense experience that focuses more on having fun and playing with others.

Meet the guides

Expert guides leading this course

Founder of Recess, otherwise pretty chill. Insatiably curious about Story telling, Physics, Games, Surfing, Skiing, and Teaching.
Recess Vibe Curator/Community Director, Mindustry Enthusiast, Former ODP/Youth Soccer Coach. Living in a Van with my Wife, Jess & dog, Akio
Dad, Educator, Montessorian and technologist. Chronically curious.

No bio yet

Hi! I'm a Honey Heist lover, and I run a Mindustry Girls group. Find me at Waffle House! Thanks to the Recessians for this bio!

Course updates

Updates from guides of this course

Dec 4 @ 5:19 PM

Smushed Bananas & Mindustry Challenges 🍌

Today ***** joined the session and told us he was eating macaroni for breakfast. This then led to **** self-reporting that he likes eating mashed bananas and that he is definitely 'not weird'. So who's going to try mashed bananas this week and let us know if its weird or not?


Nov 20 @ 5:48 PM

How big is this map?! πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

Both groups made significant progress in *****'s Halloween Attack map!

*****'s group settled into solid roles! ***** H stepped up as the leader to coordinate them and ensure they were protected. The group fought their way into establishing a second core and has made coordinated ...

Oct 2 @ 4:11 PM

Solar System Pvp! 🌌

Today we took on *****'s latest map creation, a PvP map based on our solar system! Each team got a planet with certain weaknesses and strengths.

Of course we left breakout rooms open so we could make alliances and strategize with other teams. So far it seems some alliances have...


Oct 16 @ 4:11 PM

🌌 In a galaxy far far away...

Three teams are battling it out to the death. Alliances are created and broken, home bases are destroyed, and insane custom scripts are written.

Today gold team made a successful sneak attack on purple destroying their main core. They quickly followed up by breaking their allia...

Jan 22 @ 5:16 PM

You'll never guess what we did this week... πŸ‘€

We played 4 team PvP maps! πŸ€ͺ

Huge shoutout to ******** and **** for making incredible maps for us to play! We wrapped up ********'s map where yellow team took a decisive victory. We then moved onto ****'s Lord of the Rings inspired map. πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

We decided to reintroduce a grace...


Jan 29 @ 5:07 PM

We finished our Lord of the Rings PvP map designed by **** today! Red and yellow battled to the death, neither group successfully destroying the other. This gave an opportunity for green team to swoop in and destroy red first, then yellow second. Both teams were sent to the exile...

Sep 25 @ 4:17 PM


Today we combined both groups and continued on the save with tier 4 units.

We worked on:
- Increasing production of Plastanium, Thorium, Phase Fabric, and Power
- Producing Tier 5 Units
- Destroying enemy defenses
- Defending our cores

I am immensely impressed with our ability...

Jan 21 @ 1:47 AM

The Power of Planning! πŸ“„

Last week we agreed to a 2 team PvP match for today where we would focus on working as a team and reflecting on our decisions after each game. We only had 5 show up today so we decided it would be everyone vs me.

Game 1 you guys did not make a plan which allowed me to destroy y...

Dec 3 @ 1:37 AM

A Fresh Start 🚀

After both teams failed or came close to failing last week, we decided to restart this challenge from a new perspective:

1. Pausing the game, talking about roles, and preplanning our builds doesn't slow us down, it actually speeds us up and helps us be more organized as a team


Oct 8 @ 1:02 AM

An unexpected turn... πŸ«₯

**** was in a great spot last week. They had a lead on ***** team and even destroyed their front core. Things were looking great for them.... until someone blew up the rear core with a ********* ******. Ok fine, it was me. I blew up my teams core 🀣. Next time someone should help...

1 day ago

A Chance to Play with ******, the Creator of Mindustry! πŸŽ₯

We're looking for the BEST Mindustry players at ****** to challenge ****** to a game of Mindustry. But first, we have to prove we know his game inside and out.

I'm looking for a minimum of 6 players to take on ******, a...


Sep 17 @ 1:21 AM

War and Politics

Today we started a PvP match on the most iconic Mindustry map - Space Gardens. This map offers plenty of starting materials, a contested middle territory with oil and magma, and neutral defenses along the outer edges to prevent rushed attacks.

For this match, players are allowe...


Dec 31 @ 1:48 AM

Learning Through Repetition πŸ”

Today we took on **********, a PvP map made by a kid from one of our other ********** cohorts. This map features 20+ small islands that require you to expand your base across the islands. It's a lot of fun and requires you to think about the game differently from how we tradition...


Sep 18 @ 4:17 PM


Week 2 of our epic custom attack map went really well! Well, for some of us.

One group is crushing it and tearing down the enemy with tier 4 boats. The other group is vibing and having a great time in their breakout room while holding on for dear life 🀣.

Next week both teams...

Jan 28 @ 1:38 AM

Game On! πŸ₯ŠπŸ˜…

Last week you defeated me. This time around, ***** is joining my team!

Game 1 had us sweating and we barely won by making tier 3 units quicker than you all. For game 2, you guys spent an extra long time planning and then came into the match with a lot of new strategies. Most of ...

Jan 14 @ 1:40 AM

Iterating some more! πŸ”

We continued with our map from last week with the intention of iterating on a challenge. ***** and ****** took game one with a decisive victory. They had an excellent production setup, an automated unit production, and they controlled the big island at the center of the map. Well...


Oct 15 @ 1:20 AM

Hanging on by a thread 🧡

Today we continued with the Eviction PvP map! We split into 3 teams of 2 with ***** and ****** taking over *****' setup from last week. Before we started, everyone had 3 minutes to chat with their team and come up with a plan.

After our plans were made the action started immedia...

Nov 19 @ 1:59 AM

Slow and Steady Progress! πŸ“ˆ

Today we continued on our USS Iowa challenge where the winning team will get to pick the next activity for the group.

We kicked it off by having both teams join their breakout rooms and discuss a gameplan for the session. Both teams made significant progress and felt better abo...

Jan 7 @ 1:40 AM

Tiny Islands Continued! 🏝️

Today we continued with Tiny Islands where we broke out into 3 small teams with the intention of playing this map until one team won two games.

The reasoning for this is to practice:
- Learning through repetition. By playing the same map a few times, we learn new strategies, ma...

Nov 27 @ 5:21 PM

Too many Units! πŸ€–

We picked up with *****'s Halloween map but ran into an issue - *****' group was unable to host the map due to *****+ units being alive. This caused the game to crash upon hosting so they pivoted to an ***** map. During their challenge they had a conflict (wanting to build differ...

Dec 10 @ 1:43 AM

Building Momentum! 🚒

We continued with our *** ***** attack challenge and are making significant progress!

*****'s team doubled down on silicon production which allowed them to mass produce tier 2 boats. They then used these tier 2 boats as both their offense and defense. By the end of the session t...


Oct 9 @ 4:32 PM

Betrayals, Alliances & Underdogs β˜„οΈ

******* * (****** ****) made a massive google doc analyzing every teams setup along with an action plan for his team. This resulted in the blue team being eliminated at the start of the session because they had a thorium reactor next to their core.

****** **** then destroyed **...

Dec 11 @ 6:51 PM

Naval Defense... without any Thorium ⚑

Today we continued on our journey of Naval Defense, a challenge no one has beat at Recess yet. To make it even harder, both teams willingly destroyed their source of thorium. I'm kidding, it wasn't intentional for either group to ruin their ability to collect thorium.

**** dele...

Jan 15 @ 6:38 PM

A New Erekir PvP Map! πŸŒ‹

********** made an epic 4 team Erekir PvP map that we tackled today. The map is symmetrical and all 4 teams start in opposite corners of the map. Fog covered the entire map, but that didn't stop blue and green from clashing within the first 15 minutes of the map. Blue quickly too...

Oct 23 @ 4:46 PM

We're All Underdogs Now 🐢

Another chaotic day in the battle to be the best team in the solar system. Things started off hot with ***** team sending their army of tier 1 - 3 units at ***** teams ***** base. Although ***** lost the majority of their units, the splash damage from their units dying was enough...

Dec 18 @ 5:27 PM

Small Island PvP by ***! 🏝️

Today we took on ***'s small island PvP map!

This map is designed to:
- Force boat combat
- Make players fit builds in tight spaces
- Expand their empire by building cores on other islands (Cores are cheaper)
- Utilize solar panels for power (these are buffed to be 3x more power...

Dec 24 @ 1:48 AM

We Finished USS Iowa! πŸ†

Last month we started this challenge by breaking into two teams to see who could finish it first. The result? Both teams failing in a similar fashion.

But we've come a long way since then. We reflected on our failed attempt and made course corrections both in and out of the gam...


Oct 30 @ 4:25 PM

The Final Battle βš”οΈ

Today green team chose to delete their base and succumb to the power of yellow and purple. Purple swiftly took control over the sun and built another core there. Green team decided they all wanted to join yellow. This posed an interesting question - Does having more players on yo...

Oct 1 @ 12:48 AM

Round 2 of PvP βš”οΈ

As requested, today we went with a 3 team PvP map instead of 4.

The one problem with 3 team maps is that an alliance almost always means certain doom for one team. The tides turned against the winner of last week's match as the two other team swiftly united and destroyed team *...

Nov 5 @ 2:07 AM

The Grand Finale and an Exciting New Challenge! πŸ†

Today we finished our Eviction PvP map! ***** and ***** aligned against ***, but *** had a secret alliance with **** that the other teams did not know about. *** and **** attacked ***** at the same time and destroyed all of their cores. They then moved onto ***** and finished the...


Jan 8 @ 5:31 PM

Getting our reps in with Tiny Island PvP 🏝️

Today we finished our first Tiny Island PvP game from two weeks ago.

****** and ****** absolutely crushed us for a few reasons:
1. They controlled the center island, uncontested
2. They made mono's early which let them get materials more easily
3. They rushed tier 2 boats and a...

1 day ago

Our hardest attack map yet! βš”οΈ

Today we took on Omega Station, a massive ringed platform in space fill with insane defenses and automated enemy flares! Both groups quickly realized they needed to make fortress units to out range enemy defenses. The only problem is that fortress ...

$15.00 per week